Sakisiswe Orphanage
6 x homes on the property hosting 100’s of children. The boys and girls consist of a rainbow of nations who come from the streets and from needs out of the local community.
They are provided with love and shelter in a nurturing, secure environment and they are given guidance as well as therapy training and they ensure the children get through schooling.
We are in need of the following for our Project:
• 1 x JOJO’s for water storage and supply
• Solar lighting - Indoors & Outdoors for safety purposes and
also enabling children to continue with their schooling/studies
• 4 x stoves as their old ones are no longer functioning properly with plates that are non-functional
• 4 x Microwaves
• 2 x Beds and full bedding for two house moms
• Doors, door handles & kitchen cupboard doors to be repaired